Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Let your face be evidence that this is the Plan of Happiness"

Last Sunday, I, along with the rest of the "young single adults" at Dixie, had the most magical opportunity to hear from one of my most favorite apostles ever! 

Elder David A. Bednar! 
What an awesome man. The fireside was too great for words. It was a Q&A forum, rather than a formal fireside. It lasted for 2 hours, and it was AWESOME. One of the most powerful things he discussed was the nature of our older brother, Jesus Christ. He talked about how our Savior is ALWAYS turning out to help others. Even in His deepest trials and sorrow, He turned out to others. I have so much to learn from His example. It was incredible. (He also gave the little quotey that's the title of this post. LOVED IT) I learned so much and I feel extremely blessed to have been able to hear from TWO apostles this past year. (Dallin H. Oaks came last semester)
I am grateful to have a loving Father in Heaven who has called apostles and prophets to lead and guide us today. I know without a doubt that they are inspired to tell us exactly what our Heavenly Father feels will be best for each time they speak to us. I'm taking "Teachings of the Living Prophets" in institute this semester and it is the coolest class ever. I am learning to crave the words of our church leaders. That's right, CRAVE. I absolutely love what they have to say. I know they are inspired men of God, and I love their testimonies and advice. I'm so blessed to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

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