Monday, January 24, 2011


So I saw this and I think they made it for me. It's just what I needed.

It's so crazy to me that I'm only in my second semester of college and I feel that I have grown so much. I have had to think about so many more things and be responsible for so much. I guess that's growing up right? This semester has kinda been giving me some stress! I had a last minute change in plan two days before the semester started and it's thrown me for a loop! My first career goal was PA school. Then halfway through last semester I started looking into the Medical Radiography program at Dixie. I did a lot of things to prepare to apply for it this March and then I swear, everything just fell apart! It really made me rethink my life and my goals and what will be most beneficial to me.  My NEW plan for now is to get my degree in Biology and then apply for PA school and hopefully get accepted at Utah. It's all very intimidating to me and it just makes me worry like crazy. I feel like I am at a point in my life where I am making so many decisions that will affect not only myself but also my future family. And that stresses me out!! I just worry about where my life is going to end up and how I will get there and what is going to happen to me and how I will pay for it all and on and on! Does anyone else feel this way? I sure hope I'm not the only one. 
BUT. . .
 believe it or not I am thankful for these times in my life. There are so many paths that I can choose to take and so many experiences to be had. It also encourages me to read my patriarchal blessing and really ask the Lord for help. (I hate to admit it but sometimes I do need a little push every once in a while). I know that answers to my questions and help on my decisions will come. For now I just need to take it one day at a time and do my best in what's important right now. Which is SCHOOL. I need to enjoy this fun and exciting time! I can't keep worrying about every little detail. Especially details that I can do nothing about right now. I know if I am doing what's right that Heavenly Father will bless me and things will work out the way they need to. Sam told me today that I just need to RELAX. And he's right. As usual ;)

I'm sorry for this post. Sometimes it's just nice to vent. So thanks for listening!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is great! I feel the same way. So many decision. It is quite stressful!
